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Denise and Evan

How can I describe this wedding?

Between the amazing venues, the childhood friends, the personal, meaningful details, the supportive families and the uberexcited bride and groom this was a truly great day!! As I’ve been preparing these pictures, I’ve been struck by the incredible emotion and love captured.

Denise is my stepsister and I feel so privileged to be a part of her day. We are stepsisters because we both lost a parent to cancer and now her beautiful Mom is married to my Dad. As a  tribute to her Dad, Denise had his ring incorporated into her bouquet. He would have been honored. At the reception we heard the most encouraging and loving speeches. How amazing to hear the friends and family of the couple speak so highly of them, to laugh with them but most of all to encourage them in their new marriage.

Look carefully…. there are some amazing moments.

Thanks Denise and Evan! We had a blast photographing your day.

Feel free to leave the couple a comment! Looking for more? Scroll Down… for Denise and Evan’s Preview post.

Full Circle

Don’t you just love it when things come full circle?

In just a few weeks, I will be so excited to photograph the wedding of a family friend. Her parents have known my parents… forever! Before either of them got together, before either of US were even a thought! They stood up for each other at their weddings, they encouraged and prayed for each other through some very dark days. We prayed for them as they served overseas at a Bible School. So, even though I haven’t even seen my friend since we were young children, I feel like we are friends. History friends.

So my full circle will come when I can be a part of her special day and capture memories that will last forever.

Something tells me my Mom would be smiling.


My absence from blogging hasn’t been due to a lack of photos to share with you all!

My brother and his beautiful bride Nicole were married at the end of August on a gorgeous summer day.

I was able to enjoy the day…. NOT taking pictures…. except for the reception….

For those of you waiting anxiously for your pictures! They’re coming!!! Thanks for your patience!!